Package Options



✔ Goal focused monthly training program specifically designed to help you achieve your individual goals

✔ 10 page Recipe book packed full of healthy meals ideas to help you to achieve your nutrition goals

✔ Access to the private Facebook group where you can share ideas and motivation with other members. Consider this your virtual accountability portal

✔ Once a month virtual group training session

Month-to-Month  - $35/pm

6 Month Package - $30/pm

Yearly Subscription - $26/pm



✔ Initial 30 min one-on-one goal setting session

✔ Goal focused monthly training program specifically designed to help you achieve your individual goals

✔ Twice a month 30 min one-on-one technique session (you have the option to choose what you would like us to focus on in these sessions)

✔Once a month virtual group training session

✔Access to the private Facebook group where you can share ideas and motivation with other members. Consider this your virtual accountability portal

Nutrition Support

✔ Beginners guide calculating your macros

✔ A simple guide to meal prep

✔ 10 page recipe pack

✔ Guide to better sleep

Month-to-Month  - $55/pm

6 Month Package - $50/pm

Yearly Subscription - $46/pm



✔ Initial 30 min one-on-one goal setting session

✔ Personalised monthly training program specifically designed to help you achieve your individual goals

✔ Twice a month 30 min one-on-one technique session (you have the option to choose what you would like us to focus on in these sessions)

✔ Once a week 1 hour one-on-one workout session

✔ Once a month virtual group training session

✔ Access to my growing library of in-depth exercise tutorials, mobility drills and rehab content

✔ Consistent accountability and personal guidance throughout the process

✔ Access to the private Facebook group where you can share ideas and motivation with other members. Consider this your virtual accountability portal

Nutrition Support

Monthly updated recipe book packed full of healthy meals ideas to help you to achieve your nutrition goals

✔ Diet Setup specifically aligned with your goals and body type

✔ Weekly live Q&A Zoom call with our nutrition partners PH Nutrition


✔ Access to PH Nutrition membership site

✔ Exclusive access to the nutrition library with online courses

✔ Free access to all seminars

Month-to-Month  - $100/pm

6 Month Package - $95/pm

Yearly Subscription - $90/pm